Project Design: The overall evaluation includes process, outcome/impact, and cost-benefit components. The innovative DUI court uses two tracks. Track 1 is the “monitoring track” and serves high-risk/low-need offenders. Track 2 is the “DWI Treatment Court track” and serves high-risk/high-need offenders. Findings from the process evaluation will take the form of a handbook that other courts can use to replicate this innovative two-track model. The evaluation will build upon an evaluation NPC previously completed in 2012 and will examine longitudinal outcomes, up to 8 years, in the treatment and comparison groups. The evaluation will examine the impact of the DUI court that is required of all repeat DUI offenders on recidivism, particularly DUI re-arrests, convictions, and other outcomes including traffic crashes. The cost-benefit analysis is designed to demonstrate cost savings associated with long-term reductions in recidivism and other outcomes.
Funding Source: Judicial Council of California’s Innovation Grant Program
Start Date: July 2017
Project Team
Principal Co-Investigators
Project Director
Project Staff