Purpose: In the statewide administration of the Accountability Courts program, the Administrative Office of the Courts of Georgia (AOC) identified the need for professional services to assess the current level of adherence to best practices for each type of drug (“accountability”) court (adult/veteran, family, juvenile and DWI courts) and to provide a review of best practices as well as technical assistance to each of the accountability courts that participated in the online assessment.
In early 2012, NPC Research was contracted by the Administrative Office of the Courts of Georgia (AOC) to conduct an assessment of Georgia’s Accountability Courts to determine adherence to best practices for each type of accountability court, as well as to provide TA to each program to assist in the implementation of best practices.
Project Design: Assessment activities included administration of an electronic assessment of all court sites in Georgia and brief follow up interviews by telephone with the program coordinator and other team members as needed to fill in any missing information. The online assessment examined the extent to which the Accountability Courts are implementing the 10 Key Components of Drug Courts as well as other principles specific to certain court types (10 Guiding Principles of DWI courts and 16 Strategies for Juvenile Drug Courts).
Funding Source: Administrative Office of the Courts of Georgia
Start Date: January 2012
Project Team
Principal Investigator
Project Staff