Purpose: The purpose of this project was to administer a specialized, limited version of the CDC’s national Youth Risk Behavior Survey, part of Multnomah County’s Communities Putting Prevention to Work project. Multnomah County is using Federal Communities Putting Prevention to Work dollars to address the issues of obesity, physical activity, and nutrition through school, community, and policy-level interventions.
Project Design: NPC Research was responsible for recruiting Multnomah County high schools to participate in a specialized, limited version of the CDC’s Youth Risk Behavior Survey; providing survey materials and assistance to schools with survey administration; and processing, managing, and analyzing survey data.
Funding Source: Multnomah County Health Department, Chronic Disease Prevention Program, with funding from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Communities Putting Prevention to Work Initiative
Start Date: August 2010
NPC Project Team
Principal Investigator & Project Director
Project Staff