Oregon Byrne Drug Court Evaluation

Status: complete

Purpose: The State of Oregon Criminal Justice Service contracted with NPC Research to conduct the third year of the Byrne/CJC Methamphetamine Drug Court Grant Evaluation. The purpose of this evaluation was to examine characteristics and outcomes of successful Byrne-funded adult, juvenile, and family drug court programs in Oregon and to understand how Oregon Drug Courts implement the 10 Key Components. Two of the Family Drug Court sites received full process, impact and cost evaluations. In these programs the evaluation focused on child welfare, treatment, program, and criminal justice outcome, and potential societal cost savings.

Project Design: This study of Byrne-funded Oregon drug courts used a mixed-methods design involving: (1) analyzing existing drug court data housed in Oregon’s statewide drug court database, (2) collecting detailed program-related information using surveys and observation tools collect during site visits, (3) Administrative data collection (including criminal justice, treatment, child welfare, mental health and program data), and (4) cost-benefit data using NPC’s Transactional and Institutional Cost Analysis approach.

Funding Source: State of Oregon Criminal Justice Service Byrne/CJC Methamphetamine Drug Court Grant

Start Date: July 2008

Project Team

Principal Investigator

Shannon Carey, Ph.D.

Project Staff

Jennifer Aborn, B.S.

Mark Waller, B.A.

Mary Beth Sanders, B.S.