Oregon Juvenile Crime Prevention Evaluation – Phase II

Status: complete

The Juvenile Crime Prevention Initiative is a statewide effort to prevent juvenile crime by focusing on best practice services to high-risk youth, ages 8 to 18. The JCP evaluation answered several key questions about the JCP initiative. 1. Do JPC programs and services help reduce the juvenile arrest rate? 2. Do JCP programs and services help decrease juvenile recidivism? (and the rate of first offenses for the non-offender population) 3. Do JCP programs and services help counties meet the required limits to state level detention beds?

Project Team

Evaluation Director

Michael Finigan, Ph.D.

Research Staff

Juliette Mackin, Ph.D.

Jerod Tarte , M.A.

Reports and Publications:

Sprague, J., English. T.R., Yeaton, P., Finigan, M. W., Mackin, J. R., & Seljan, B.J. (July 2003) Juvenile Crime Prevention Program Evaluation – Final Report. Oregon. IVDB/NPC Research.
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