Oregon Tobacco Prevention & Education Program (TPEP)

Status: complete

NPC facilitated a community-based participatory evaluation planning process with Tobacco Prevention and Education Networks (TPENs) for five specific populations in Oregon: African American, Asian/Pacific Islander, Latino, Lesbian-Gay-Bisexual-Transgender-Questioning, and Urban Indian. The evaluation planning process was designed to involve each community in identifying its most pressing tobacco control needs, developing a plan that evaluated aspects of each of TPEN’s activities implemented to address those needs, and building capacity within each network for executing future evaluation activities.

Project Staff

Principal Investigator

Beth L. Green, Ph.D.

Reports and Publications:

Furrer, C. J., Burrus, S. W. M., Green, B. L., & Greenidge, J. N. G. (June 2007) Community-Based Participatory Research Evaluation Planning: Oregon’s Specific Population Tobacco Prevention and Education Networks: Final Report. NPC Research: Portland, OR.
Report / Executive Summary /