Project Purpose: Coaching Corps is a national nonprofit organization that works in low-income communities to ensure that all kids get to reap the benefits of playing sports with a trained, caring coach. Coaching Corps received a grant from the S. D. Bechtel, Jr. Foundation to create a coach training curriculum that explicitly integrates principles of character development into a youth sports context. NPC Research is providing consultation and technical assistance regarding the evaluation of this new initiative.
Project Design: Coaching Corps developed the POSE Character Building Training curriculum and conducted a pilot of the training with a group of coaches in winter 2016. Their goal is to evaluate the pilot to inform the longer term implementation of the training with their broader population of coaches. NPC Research is providing consultation and technical assistance to Coaching Corps staff for the pilot evaluation. In particular, NPC constructed a program logic model, recommended appropriate research design and methodologies, developed several data collection instruments (quantitative and qualitative), and consulted on data collection, analysis, and reporting methods. NPC staff are working closely with Coaching Corps staff throughout the sports season to ensure the successful implementation of the study.
Funding Source: S. D. Bechtel, Jr. Foundation
Start Date: January 2016
Project Team
Principal Investigator & Project Director
Project Staff