Warm Springs Juvenile Justice Project

Status: complete

Research Purpose: The Confederated Tribes of Warm Springs Juvenile Justice Project addressed school truancy on the reservation. The objectives of the grant were to decrease school truancy, increase high school graduation rates, decrease incidence of juvenile crime, and decrease the number of juvenile cases being sent to Tribal Court. The funding allowed the prosecution department to hire an assistant juvenile prosecutor and a juvenile truancy officer who will monitor children at the Warm Springs K-8 Academy as well as follow up with surrounding schools including Madras High School.

Evaluation: The evaluation tracked the youth that the juvenile truancy officer works with, and those youth who are sent to Tribal Court across a 3-year time period. The number of classes missed, graduation rates, incidence of juvenile crime, and juvenile cases sent to Tribal Court were tracked and analyzed. The activities that are held (i.e, implementing GREAT training) to engage the youth in their community were documented as part of the evaluation as well. In addition, NPC provided assistance to program staff regarding gathering and tracking client data.

Funding Source: Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention

Start Date: October 2013

Project Team

Principal Investigator

Juliette Mackin, Ph.D.

Project Staff

Wendy Nuzzo, M.S.