
What is Literacy?

Supporting positive exposure to reading is recognized as an effective prevention strategy leading to improved social stability and economic opportunity. Literacy programs share a common goal of strengthening individuals in the social context, particularly when efforts focus on children. Research plays a key role in informing literacy teaching and learning during the early elementary years. Best practice instructional techniques, both new and traditional, lead to observable, replicable, positive results as children work to become fluent, motivated readers.

NPC Research and Literacy

Literacy 1Staff at NPC Research have conducted several literacy research projects in Multnomah County, Oregon. Primary clients have included The Library Foundation, Multnomah County Library, and schools within the county. NPC staff bring varied backgrounds of relevant expertise in the design, implementation, and evaluation of community programs. While upholding rigorous scientific standards, staff work closely with funders and program partners to ensure that evaluation findings are useful for literacy program development and improvement.

Key staff:
Kate Kissick
Juliette R. Mackin
Anna Tamarkin
Jerod M. Tarte