Every Family Reads

Status: complete

Research Purpose: Every Family Reads is a Multnomah County Library program funded by The Library Foundation, Meyer Memorial Trust, Key Bank, and Comcast. Library staff created Every Family Reads to motivate families to read and experience books together. In addition to signing up to receive a free copy of the featured book, families  are given opportunities to participate in programs related to the book, such as the Book-It Repertory Theatre presentations, a visit from the book’s author, and library workshops designed to bring parts of the story to life.

Project Design: The evaluation assessed participating parents’ perceptions of the Every Family Reads program and its activities, as well as how early literacy behaviors in the home may have changed as a result of being involved in the program. Additionally, information from teachers regarding their students’ involvement in the Every Family Reads program assessed the teachers’ impressions of the program’s impact on students.

Funding Source: The Library Foundation

Start Date: March 2009

Project Team

Principal Investigator

Juliette R. Mackin, Ph.D.

Project Director

Jerod M. Tarte, M.A.